
Οι χυμώδεις καμπύλες μετά τη νευρική ανορεξία

Η νεαρή Courtney Black είναι ένα από τα κορίτσια που έφτασε στην ανορεξία και κατάφερε να επιστρέψει, ενώ μεταμορφώθηκε σε μία εντυπωσιακή χυμώδη γυναίκα.

Η κοπέλα ήταν στα όρια της ανορεξίας, ζυγίζοντας μόλις 44 κιλά και όταν κατάλαβε σε τι κατάσταση βρισκόταν άλλαξε ζωή.

Σήμερα είναι μια χυμώδης γυναίκα με καμπύλες και η μεταμόρφωσή της είναι εκπληκτική, ενώ στο Instagram έχει πάνω από 260.000 ακολούθους.

«Τώρα πια λατρεύω τις καμπύλες μου και αισθάνομαι πολύ άσχημα που έτρωγα τόσο λίγο και γυμναζόμουν τόσο σκληρά», λέει η Courtney.

Δείτε αυτή τη δημοσίευση στο Instagram.

#TrasformationTuesday for those of you who are new to following me / do not know my story, roughly 4 years ago now I suffered with an eating disorder which left me looking like the left picture and feeling the lowest I have ever felt. My energy levels were non existent, I was constantly moody and my social life was non existent as I wouldn’t want to waste calories on dinners / alcohol and if I did have to go out I knew I would have to not eat all day to be able to. ________________________________ I would eat 600-800 calories maximum per day (all chicken and veg etc no carbs, no sugar, nothing that I thought was a “bad food”) and would make sure I ran minimum 800 calories worth on the treadmill every day. I would wake up at 4/5 am get on a train to central London near my work and train for 2 or more hours before work every morning which always left me feeling tired, sick and wouldn’t be able to work properly. My relationships with my family were effected as I constantly had an attitude and I wouldn’t want to be at social events. ________________________________ My change didn’t happen over night, it took about a year for my eating habits to get better and for me to start educating myself properly (this is also when I signed up for my personal training course). I am now at a healthy, fit and happy weight, I know how to go out and have a good time, treat myself but I can also be strict if I need to and not have any worries of falling back into an ED ❤️❤️ ________________________________ Your health and your happiness is so important, please put your health first ❤️my plans can help you, all details are on my website. Wether it’s weight gain, loss, booty building etc ??

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Courtney Black (@courtneydblack) στις

Δείτε αυτή τη δημοσίευση στο Instagram.

#TrasformationTuesday for those of you who are new to following me / do not know my story, roughly 4 years ago now I suffered with an eating disorder which left me looking like the left picture and feeling the lowest I have ever felt. My energy levels were non existent, I was constantly moody and my social life was non existent as I wouldn’t want to waste calories on dinners / alcohol and if I did have to go out I knew I would have to not eat all day to be able to. ________________________________ I would eat 600-800 calories maximum per day (all chicken and veg etc no carbs, no sugar, nothing that I thought was a “bad food”) and would make sure I ran minimum 800 calories worth on the treadmill every day. I would wake up at 4/5 am get on a train to central London near my work and train for 2 or more hours before work every morning which always left me feeling tired, sick and wouldn’t be able to work properly. My relationships with my family were effected as I constantly had an attitude and I wouldn’t want to be at social events. ________________________________ My change didn’t happen over night, it took about a year for my eating habits to get better and for me to start educating myself properly (this is also when I signed up for my personal training course). I am now at a healthy, fit and happy weight, I know how to go out and have a good time, treat myself but I can also be strict if I need to and not have any worries of falling back into an ED ❤️❤️ ________________________________ Your health and your happiness is so important, please put your health first ❤️my plans can help you, all details are on my website. Wether it’s weight gain, loss, booty building etc ??

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Courtney Black (@courtneydblack) στις

Δείτε αυτή τη δημοσίευση στο Instagram.

#TrasformationTuesday for those of you who are new to following me / do not know my story, roughly 4 years ago now I suffered with an eating disorder which left me looking like the left picture and feeling the lowest I have ever felt. My energy levels were non existent, I was constantly moody and my social life was non existent as I wouldn’t want to waste calories on dinners / alcohol and if I did have to go out I knew I would have to not eat all day to be able to. ________________________________ I would eat 600-800 calories maximum per day (all chicken and veg etc no carbs, no sugar, nothing that I thought was a “bad food”) and would make sure I ran minimum 800 calories worth on the treadmill every day. I would wake up at 4/5 am get on a train to central London near my work and train for 2 or more hours before work every morning which always left me feeling tired, sick and wouldn’t be able to work properly. My relationships with my family were effected as I constantly had an attitude and I wouldn’t want to be at social events. ________________________________ My change didn’t happen over night, it took about a year for my eating habits to get better and for me to start educating myself properly (this is also when I signed up for my personal training course). I am now at a healthy, fit and happy weight, I know how to go out and have a good time, treat myself but I can also be strict if I need to and not have any worries of falling back into an ED ❤️❤️ ________________________________ Your health and your happiness is so important, please put your health first ❤️my plans can help you, all details are on my website. Wether it’s weight gain, loss, booty building etc ??

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Courtney Black (@courtneydblack) στις

Δείτε αυτή τη δημοσίευση στο Instagram.

#TrasformationTuesday for those of you who are new to following me / do not know my story, roughly 4 years ago now I suffered with an eating disorder which left me looking like the left picture and feeling the lowest I have ever felt. My energy levels were non existent, I was constantly moody and my social life was non existent as I wouldn’t want to waste calories on dinners / alcohol and if I did have to go out I knew I would have to not eat all day to be able to. ________________________________ I would eat 600-800 calories maximum per day (all chicken and veg etc no carbs, no sugar, nothing that I thought was a “bad food”) and would make sure I ran minimum 800 calories worth on the treadmill every day. I would wake up at 4/5 am get on a train to central London near my work and train for 2 or more hours before work every morning which always left me feeling tired, sick and wouldn’t be able to work properly. My relationships with my family were effected as I constantly had an attitude and I wouldn’t want to be at social events. ________________________________ My change didn’t happen over night, it took about a year for my eating habits to get better and for me to start educating myself properly (this is also when I signed up for my personal training course). I am now at a healthy, fit and happy weight, I know how to go out and have a good time, treat myself but I can also be strict if I need to and not have any worries of falling back into an ED ❤️❤️ ________________________________ Your health and your happiness is so important, please put your health first ❤️my plans can help you, all details are on my website. Wether it’s weight gain, loss, booty building etc ??

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Courtney Black (@courtneydblack) στις

Δείτε αυτή τη δημοσίευση στο Instagram.

#TrasformationTuesday for those of you who are new to following me / do not know my story, roughly 4 years ago now I suffered with an eating disorder which left me looking like the left picture and feeling the lowest I have ever felt. My energy levels were non existent, I was constantly moody and my social life was non existent as I wouldn’t want to waste calories on dinners / alcohol and if I did have to go out I knew I would have to not eat all day to be able to. ________________________________ I would eat 600-800 calories maximum per day (all chicken and veg etc no carbs, no sugar, nothing that I thought was a “bad food”) and would make sure I ran minimum 800 calories worth on the treadmill every day. I would wake up at 4/5 am get on a train to central London near my work and train for 2 or more hours before work every morning which always left me feeling tired, sick and wouldn’t be able to work properly. My relationships with my family were effected as I constantly had an attitude and I wouldn’t want to be at social events. ________________________________ My change didn’t happen over night, it took about a year for my eating habits to get better and for me to start educating myself properly (this is also when I signed up for my personal training course). I am now at a healthy, fit and happy weight, I know how to go out and have a good time, treat myself but I can also be strict if I need to and not have any worries of falling back into an ED ❤️❤️ ________________________________ Your health and your happiness is so important, please put your health first ❤️my plans can help you, all details are on my website. Wether it’s weight gain, loss, booty building etc ??

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Courtney Black (@courtneydblack) στις

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