
Αυτά είναι τα καλύτερα οπίσθια του Instagram

Πολλά μοντέλα έχουν γίνει διάσημα χάρις τα καλογυμνασμένα κορμιά τους στο Instagram.

Πολλά μοντέλα έχουν γίνει διάσημα χάρις τα καλογυμνασμένα κορμιά τους στο Instagram.

Αυτό ισχύει και για την 34χρονη Julia Gilas με καταγωγή από την Ουκρανία που μετακόμισε στα 23 της στις ΗΠΑ, προκειμένου να ακολουθήσει καριέρα ως fitness model όπου και τα κατάφερε και με το παραπάνω.

Διαθέτει ένα από τα πιο καλογυμνασμένο κορμιά του Instagram με πολλά προσόντα που οποιοσδήποτε μπορεί να το διαπιστώσει μπαίνοντας στο λογαριασμό της στο Instagram.

Δικαίως κατέχει μία θέση στη λίστα με τα καλύτερα οπίσθια και όχι μόνο. Δηλώνει Personal Trainer και Instagram Influencer.

Ο λογαριασμός της Julia στο Instagram αριθμεί πάνω από 5 εκατ. ακόλουθους, ενώ η ίδια φροντίζει να μην τους αφήνει παραπονεμένους μοιράζοντας εγκεφαλικά στον αντρικό πληθυσμό αλλά και κάνοντας τις γυναίκες να την ζηλεύουν.

Δείτε αυτή τη δημοσίευση στο Instagram.

I use my @omega_fitness_tech with the Omega vibrating foam roller before and sometimes after my workouts. Foam rolling is also called myofascial release and is designed to work out the “knots” in your muscles. You could compare the practice to self-massage. The technical terms for “knots” are trigger points or myofascial adhesions. Fascia is a form of connective tissue that wraps and bundles muscles (myo) together. Myofascial adhesions can develop through stress, training, overuse, underuse, movement imbalances and injuries. They are essentially points of constant tension and addressing them can have a positive effect on your workouts. Ignoring them can lead to further dysfunction and may perpetuate and/or cause injury. P.S. Just click my Amazon link in my bio and get 25% off at checkout with promo code “GILAS25OFF” #foamroller #fit #fitnessmotivation

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Julia Gilas (@juliagilas) στις

Δείτε αυτή τη δημοσίευση στο Instagram.

I use my @omega_fitness_tech with the Omega vibrating foam roller before and sometimes after my workouts. Foam rolling is also called myofascial release and is designed to work out the “knots” in your muscles. You could compare the practice to self-massage. The technical terms for “knots” are trigger points or myofascial adhesions. Fascia is a form of connective tissue that wraps and bundles muscles (myo) together. Myofascial adhesions can develop through stress, training, overuse, underuse, movement imbalances and injuries. They are essentially points of constant tension and addressing them can have a positive effect on your workouts. Ignoring them can lead to further dysfunction and may perpetuate and/or cause injury. P.S. Just click my Amazon link in my bio and get 25% off at checkout with promo code “GILAS25OFF” #foamroller #fit #fitnessmotivation

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Julia Gilas (@juliagilas) στις

Δείτε αυτή τη δημοσίευση στο Instagram.

I use my @omega_fitness_tech with the Omega vibrating foam roller before and sometimes after my workouts. Foam rolling is also called myofascial release and is designed to work out the “knots” in your muscles. You could compare the practice to self-massage. The technical terms for “knots” are trigger points or myofascial adhesions. Fascia is a form of connective tissue that wraps and bundles muscles (myo) together. Myofascial adhesions can develop through stress, training, overuse, underuse, movement imbalances and injuries. They are essentially points of constant tension and addressing them can have a positive effect on your workouts. Ignoring them can lead to further dysfunction and may perpetuate and/or cause injury. P.S. Just click my Amazon link in my bio and get 25% off at checkout with promo code “GILAS25OFF” #foamroller #fit #fitnessmotivation

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Julia Gilas (@juliagilas) στις

Δείτε αυτή τη δημοσίευση στο Instagram.

I use my @omega_fitness_tech with the Omega vibrating foam roller before and sometimes after my workouts. Foam rolling is also called myofascial release and is designed to work out the “knots” in your muscles. You could compare the practice to self-massage. The technical terms for “knots” are trigger points or myofascial adhesions. Fascia is a form of connective tissue that wraps and bundles muscles (myo) together. Myofascial adhesions can develop through stress, training, overuse, underuse, movement imbalances and injuries. They are essentially points of constant tension and addressing them can have a positive effect on your workouts. Ignoring them can lead to further dysfunction and may perpetuate and/or cause injury. P.S. Just click my Amazon link in my bio and get 25% off at checkout with promo code “GILAS25OFF” #foamroller #fit #fitnessmotivation

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Julia Gilas (@juliagilas) στις

Δείτε αυτή τη δημοσίευση στο Instagram.

I use my @omega_fitness_tech with the Omega vibrating foam roller before and sometimes after my workouts. Foam rolling is also called myofascial release and is designed to work out the “knots” in your muscles. You could compare the practice to self-massage. The technical terms for “knots” are trigger points or myofascial adhesions. Fascia is a form of connective tissue that wraps and bundles muscles (myo) together. Myofascial adhesions can develop through stress, training, overuse, underuse, movement imbalances and injuries. They are essentially points of constant tension and addressing them can have a positive effect on your workouts. Ignoring them can lead to further dysfunction and may perpetuate and/or cause injury. P.S. Just click my Amazon link in my bio and get 25% off at checkout with promo code “GILAS25OFF” #foamroller #fit #fitnessmotivation

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Julia Gilas (@juliagilas) στις

Δείτε αυτή τη δημοσίευση στο Instagram.

I use my @omega_fitness_tech with the Omega vibrating foam roller before and sometimes after my workouts. Foam rolling is also called myofascial release and is designed to work out the “knots” in your muscles. You could compare the practice to self-massage. The technical terms for “knots” are trigger points or myofascial adhesions. Fascia is a form of connective tissue that wraps and bundles muscles (myo) together. Myofascial adhesions can develop through stress, training, overuse, underuse, movement imbalances and injuries. They are essentially points of constant tension and addressing them can have a positive effect on your workouts. Ignoring them can lead to further dysfunction and may perpetuate and/or cause injury. P.S. Just click my Amazon link in my bio and get 25% off at checkout with promo code “GILAS25OFF” #foamroller #fit #fitnessmotivation

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Julia Gilas (@juliagilas) στις

Δείτε αυτή τη δημοσίευση στο Instagram.

I use my @omega_fitness_tech with the Omega vibrating foam roller before and sometimes after my workouts. Foam rolling is also called myofascial release and is designed to work out the “knots” in your muscles. You could compare the practice to self-massage. The technical terms for “knots” are trigger points or myofascial adhesions. Fascia is a form of connective tissue that wraps and bundles muscles (myo) together. Myofascial adhesions can develop through stress, training, overuse, underuse, movement imbalances and injuries. They are essentially points of constant tension and addressing them can have a positive effect on your workouts. Ignoring them can lead to further dysfunction and may perpetuate and/or cause injury. P.S. Just click my Amazon link in my bio and get 25% off at checkout with promo code “GILAS25OFF” #foamroller #fit #fitnessmotivation

Η δημοσίευση κοινοποιήθηκε από το χρήστη Julia Gilas (@juliagilas) στις

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