English Edition

Stefanos Kasselakis and husband Tyler MacBeth celebrated approval of same-sex marriage bill

Videos posted by the venue show Stefanos Kasselakis and his husband Tyler MacBeth dancing to Katy Perry’s “Firework” at a gay bar in downtown Athens with people applauding them.

The Greek Parliament vote to pass the bill on equal rights for same sex couples was greeted with cheers by the LGBTQ+ community and numerous parties were hosted in Athens to mark the occasion.

The party hosted by Sodade in downtown Athens, the well known gay club, brought together the most prominent figures of the Greek gay community, activists, artists and politicians, among them Stefanos Kasselakis, the president of SYRIZA party, and his husband Tyler MacBeth who were caught on camera dancing to Katy Perry’s “Firework”.

Later, the president of SYRIZA took the stage to say: “From now on, we move forward with a modern society, a modern Greece” to general applaud.

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