English Edition

Brutal femicide outside of Greek police station – Woman’s plea for help ignored

The perpetrator was the woman’s ex-boyfriend. The 28-year-old woman tried to report him at the police station, but she was shunned.

Shocking details have emerged regarding the recent brutal murder that took place late Monday night (April 1st, 2024), just meters away from the Agioi Anargyroi Police Station in Athens, Greece.

The victim of this heinous crime was a 28-year-old woman, who was brutally murdered by her 39-year-old ex-boyfriend outside the police station, which she had visited in order to report him.

According to reports, the 28-year-old went to the police station accompanied by a friend, as she had seen the perpetrator waiting for her outside her house just a few hours earlier.

An eyewitness, who saw the perpetrator, described the terrifying moments that unfolded shortly after 10 pm.

“As I was getting off the bus at that time, I heard the woman screaming ‘he’s chasing me, he’s going to kill me.’ And then the perpetrator ran with his motorcycle and stabbed her in the back. Continuous stabs,” he said, adding, “he was shouting at her that he would kill her.”

Fearing for her safety, the woman asked for police assistance to go home. According to reports from Mega and Open TV, she was told that no patrol car was available and she had to call the Immediate Action Unit. This information has not yet been confirmed.

The woman left the building, walked a little distance, and attempted to call the Immediate Action Unit, but the 39-year-old had set up an ambush next to the police station and fatally stabbed her.

The weapon used in the crime, according to Star TV, was a kitchen knife approximately 28 centimeters long.

The forensic pathologist who performed the autopsy of the victim’s dead body, determined that the perpetrator managed to inflict two chest wounds and three wounds to the back of her neck and lower body.

Furthermore, according to the same information, the wounds were extremely deep, indicating the brutality of the murder.

After his heinous crime, the 39-year-old stabbed himself. He is currently hospitalized under guard at Genimatas Hospital.

This was not the first time the victim felt threatened or fell victim to violence, as according to information from her close circle, since 2020, when they separated, she had filed a lawsuit against her ex-partner for assault and rape, and had also requested protective measures.

“Help, he’s here, he’s chasing me” – The victims heartbreaking conversation with the police

The woman asked for police assistance to accompany her home, and reportedly was told, “there is no patrol car, call 100,” so she did.

This is the frantic dialogue of the 28-year-old with the Immediate Action Unit:

  • 28-year-old: “I’m outside the Agioi Anargyroi police station, and my ex-boyfriend is outside my house. I need a patrol car to take me home.”
  • Immediate Action Unit: “Where exactly is your house?”
  • 28-year-old: “Help, he’s here, he’s chasing me.”

Immediately, the 28-year-old began to describe the route she would take, but at that moment, she was attacked, and screams and shouts were heard on the phone.

Police didn’t even inform the victim’s father – He found out his daughter was murdered from the media

The gaps in the Greek Police’s handling of yet another femicide are numerous, as many details have been publicized.

Specifically, according to the “Live News” program on MEGA TV on Tuesday (02/04), the father of the 28-year-old learned that his daughter had been murdered in cold blood by her 39-year-old ex-boyfriend through journalists, not from the authorities as would normally be expected.

Moreover, on the same program, the father of the 28-year-old, after describing the perpetrator as a “lowlife” stated: “Justice must be served. He knows when his time will come. Such a person should not breathe outside prison.”

Regarding their breakup, the father of the 28-year-old noted: “They lived together, they broke up 2-3 months ago, and my daughter rented a new house… She told me ‘That’s it, dad, I’m done with him, from now on, it’s over, I’m alone.’ I told her, ‘Come on, my love, my girl, come home to stay for a month, come so we can be together.’ ‘No, dad,’ she told me.”

According to the father of the 28-year-old, this was a premeditated crime against his child, emphasizing the fact that he was carrying a knife with him.


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